In section: Welcome to the SNJM Website

Called? By whom? For what? How?

November 3, 2012 marked another step towards  implementing the decisions taken during the general assembly of the SNJM Congregation which was held in July, 2011. During these meetings, orientations for the next five years were discussed and decided upon.
During the year 2011-2012, promoting a general sense of ownership was   undertaken. And this year, the suggested theme, "culture of call" will be deepened. This was the topic of the day which took place in Longueuil.

To learn more, consult this website

Other articles in the section Welcome to the SNJM Website
Stopping Human Trafficking, an Urgent Challenge for Society
Breeding Crickets, a Solution for the Future?
Education of Young Women: At the Heart of the SNJM Mission
Experiences of Inner Transformation
Porcelain painting: an art to be discovered
News about the Syrian Families Welcomed in Longueuil
Education as a Powerful Tool for Social Change
Developing a "culture of encounter"
Developing a "culture of encounter"