In section: Volunteer work

In honor of Sister Colombe de Grandpré

A while ago, the Centre d’action bénévole d’Iberville (CAB) highlighted the dedication of Sister Colombe, a most extraordinary woman. For sixteen years, she delivered meals to homes, and even though she gave up this task in the autumn, she continues her friendly visits to nine people who live alone.

Every Sunday, despite the weather conditions, Sister Colombe brings Communion to about one hundred people in five locations. “These people watch the Mass on television and receive the communion which I bring to them. They tell me they feel that their Mass is now complete.”


Aux commandes d'une bibliothèque mobile
La bibliothèque mobile de Sr Colombe comprend plus d’un millier de titres

But her greatest success, in the eyes of the news reporter, is the mobile library which she organized from scratch, and which resulted in her delivering books to the homes of sixty subscribers. With one thing leading to another, she has established a network of seniors who eagerly wait for her. Most of them live at Résidence Samuel-de-Champlain, in Iberville. She goes there on Friday and Saturday morning equipped with a movable cart. She visits others upon request.

Sister Colombe has good reason to say:
“I am 85 years old and I am still active; there is always something to do.”


Other articles in the section Volunteer work
In recognition of a volunteer: Sister Thérèse Laplante
In honor of Sister Colombe de Grandpré
A Young Volunteer at Maison Jésus-Marie
Sister Yolande Moreau: fifteen years of volunteering
Sister Thérèse Laplante, Volunteer of the Year 2013
Say It With Flowers
Volunteer Appreciation Week