Gardens at Maison des enfants Marie-Rose, Beauharnois

In Beauharnois, the inauguration of the new sculpture by Armand Vaillancourt, in the vegetable garden of the children from "Maison des enfants Marie-Rose", recently took place.

This sculpture is called ARCH OF PEACE because it symbolizes peace between generations. La Maison des enfants is located close to a Seniors’ Residence which we often visit. The seniors also visit us for our concerts or during our work in the garden. The children often bring tomatoes to the seniors who really love fresh tomatoes!

We are also located close to Maison des jeunes de Beauharnois. The teens come and weed the garden with the children, and they benefit by using the crops for the dishes that they prepare when they are cooking. 


A. Vaillancourt et des enfants

A. Vaillancourt et Janine Lefebvre

A. Vaillancourt et des invités

These three generations are participating in more and more intergenerational activities and are learning to reconnect among themselves outside of our community events.

It is sheer joy to see them listening to the music together and sharing refreshments which make everyone happy.
Inside of the ARCH OF PEACE, we have set up some chairs so the older people can watch the children and teens working in the gardens and simply speak to them. 

Long live the children!  Long live the art which brings people together 
and long live tenderness among generations!

Janine Lefebvre, director of the "Maison des enfants"