The Faculty of Education honors the SNJM’s

Hall of Founding Members 
In designating an important hall in the Faculty of Education the “Hall of Founding Members”, Dean Louise Poirier wanted to publicly recognize “the important contribution to education by religious communities and more importantly by us, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, who had lived on these premises.”

Madame Poirier did not miss the opportunity to mention that this recognition was highly relevant in the spirit of the year 2015, dedicated to consecrated life and during which Pope Francis “called upon Catholics and the rest of the world to review the contributions of religious congregations to history.”

This official designation of an important hall in the pavilion, which is used especially for defending theses, was one of the final important events to conclude the festivities for the 50th anniversary of this Faculty of the Université de Montréal.

Groupe SNJM avec Mme Louise Poirier

Forming women … to make a difference”

With a touch of humour and nostalgia, Sister Denise Riel, Provincial Animator, recalled that she was a student in classical studies at Collège Jésus-Marie at the time of the creation of the Faculty, 50 years ago.
“To stress the commitment and the contribution of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary to the educative mission of this institution, is to remind ourselves that from the beginning, the educational complex called “Institut Jésus-Marie” aimed to form women so that they would be able to make a difference in all spheres of society.”

In her remarks, Sister Denise Riel mentioned the expansion of the faculty, its prominence and its solid expertise acquired over the years, in the areas of teaching and research. She applauded the growth of the Faculty which has remained “faithful to its educative values, values in which we recognize ourselves.”

This legacy was also highlighted during the exhibition “An educative mission by women for women” which marked the start of the festivities for the Faculty’s 50th anniversary, in March 2015.

Mme Louise Poirier, Sr Denise Riel, Noémie LeBuis-Joseph et Dominique Laperle

A scholarship granted to a student from Pensionnat Saint-Nom-de-Marie

The official ceremony to designate the “Hall of Founding Members” preceded the distribution of scholarships to students who have distinguished themselves on their academic journey. 

Coincidentally, the most important scholarship for excellence awarded that evening was granted to Noémie LeBuis-Joseph, a former student from Pensionnat du Saint-Nom-de-Marie, in the presence of Dominique Laperle, vice-principal of Secondary 4 and 5 at the Pensionnat. This scholarship from the J.W. Connell Foundation is 3000 $ per year.