A former SNJM student on mission in Uganda!

Maison Jésus-Marie recently welcomed Sister Louise Touchette of the Daughters of Providence of St. Brieuc (FDLP). On the initiative of Sister Jocelyne Latreille, Coordinator of Activities at Maison Jésus-Marie, this Quebec Sister came to share about her Congregation’s new adventure: the formation and support of a completely new religious community in Uganda.

The presence of this French Congregation, founded in 1818 by Father Malouin Jean-Marie de La Mennais in this country, greatly inspired the young Ugandan girls. Despite their interest in living the spirituality of Father de La Mennais by joining the Daughters of Providence of St. Brieuc, the Community has instead suggested founding a new Congregation.

The decision, although difficult, was obvious. Considering the limited number of religious and the average age which was rather high, the Daughters of Providence of St. Brieuc could not accommodate such young recruits. The request for the foundation of a new Congregation was providentially accepted by the local Bishop. This has made possible the foundation of the Congregation of the "Daughters of Providence of Nebi".

To support the young girls in this new community, Sister Louise Touchette, accompanied by a Sister from Saskatchewan, will leave shortly for a second year in Uganda. As founding members of this new Congregation, they will have as their mission the continuation of the formation.

A former SNJM pupil

As Superior General of her Congregation for 14 year, Sister Louise Touchette, DFLP, who has been involved in France, England, Africa and Canada, is taking up this challenge with much enthusiasm. During her visit to Maison Jésus-Marie, she took the opportunity to show pictures of where she is living out her commitment in Uganda.

We were reminded that Sister Louise Touchette had studied at the École Normale Eulalie Durocher in Saint-Lambert around the end of the 60’s, and is a former student of Sister Gisèle Lalande. This get-together was a very special moment for all...