Presence of Congregational Leadership Teams at Maison Jésus-Marie

At their Eucharistic Celebration on November 18, the sisters of Maison Jésus-Marie had the joy of welcoming both the present Congregational Leadership Team (Catherine Ferguson, Lise Gagnon, Elizabeth Lebert, Kathleen Ross, and Florence Vinet) and the incoming team (Linda Haydock, Lorna Cooney, Mary Ellen Holohan, and Kathleen Ross).

The two teams had scheduled meetings at the Congregational House from November 16-19 so that the present team could pass on any information that might be helpful to the incoming team at this time of transition.

At the beginning of the liturgy, both teams were warmly welcomed and thanked for their great generosity and their deep love for the Congregation. They were also assured of our prayers and support.

Then the incoming team addressed the sisters, each introducing herself and offering a message of hope and of appreciation for the sisters of Quebec. It was a truly blessed moment and the French-speaking sisters were especially touched by the fact that the team members expressed themselves in French even though French is not their mother tongue.

Following the Mass, many sisters lingered on, anxious to personally meet the team members, who seemed genuinely interested in meeting as many sisters as possible. 

To summarize, it can be said this first get-together was marked by a spirit of friendship and warmth.

See the photo album - Photo credit Sister Gisèle Lalande