Epiphany Convent: 125th Anniversary

Founded in 1884, our Epiphany Convent, situated next to the Church, at 107 Notre-Dame Street, in 1987, became a residence for retired persons.  On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of its existence, the present administration, especially Mrs. Monique Desrochers, in charge of activities, wishing to mark the anniversary of the first Mass celebrated in the Convent, requested the collaboration of the SNJM choir of Saint-Émélie residence for the celebration of this Mass of thanksgiving.

Assemblée à la chapelle

Chorale SNJM

On September 17, 2009, during the celebration of the Eucharist presided by the pastor, Father Paul Lévesque, the chapel echoed with joy and gratitude to God for all blessings received. Participating in the liturgy were the current residents and the choir of a dozen Sisters, accompanied on the organ by Sister Lise Brosseau.

On leaving the chapel, wine was served and a rose was offered to each participant.  Mrs. Hélène Sourdis-Poitras, the hundred and one year old aunt of Sister Gilberte Brien SNJM, along with eight other residents shared in the reading of the history of Marie-Rose Residence, named in honour of the foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.

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