Opening ourselves to others through prayers from Eastern Religions and Judaism

A day of recollection is a time for beneficial renewal which favors reflection, a returning to the sources which inspire us and bring us life. The most recent activity of this type, took place on December 2nd at Residence Marie-Rose Durocher.  The day was planned and carried out by the Spiritual Animation Committee of the Quebec SNJMs, and achieved its objectives in a wonderful way.
The testimony of one of the participants highlights the special atmosphere of this gathering.
"O You, beyond all ..."
"Dim lighting set the scene for an atmosphere of calm, contemplation, and prayer. The visual and the prayers taken from Eastern Religions and Judaism helped us to pray to God, the root of all humanity. This leap into the universal was preparation for the Eucharistic Celebration. After lunch the Our Father, which was compared to the ‘Kaddish’ (a hymn of praises to God found in Jewish prayer services) promoted reflection, discussion and served as an invitation to encounter God."
The day, co-facilitated by Sisters Jacqueline Boudreau and Lise Bluteau, took place in an atmosphere of silence and inspirational contemplation. “The environment was conducive to reflection, and the well-balanced schedule enabled the animators to present content that was intensive, unifying and revitalizing” added the same participant.
The initial goal was attained and each of the 45 participants came away enriched by the reflection, prayer and sharing in small groups.

A similar gathering at Maison Jésus-Marie

On December 7, the Sisters at Maison Jésus-Marie participated in a day of reflection. On this occasion the content, based on what was offered at the first gathering, was adapted to meet the needs of the Sisters living in both pavilions.

The challenge of facilitating this gathering was entrusted to Sisters Michèle Gouin and Jeanne Dagenais. The morning was reserved for prayer and reflection with texts chosen from Eastern Religions and Judaism. The reflection continued in the afternoon with contemplation on an event in Mary's life: the Annunciation.

This special time of prayer also served as a prelude to the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, which was celebrated the following day. This is an important feast for the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) since it marks the anniversary of the first three Sisters of the Congregation making their first vows.

During the day each of the Sisters deepened their awareness and experience of God as well as that of Mary.

In closing, we point out that the Quebec Spiritual Animation Committee plans to organize another day of recollection during Lent.

Photos taken by Sister Yolande Dufresne