“May our lives be renewed!”

Day for Consecrated Life in Longueuil  

On February 2nd, World Day for Consecrated Life, the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM) welcomed consecrated persons and consecrated groups from the Saint-Jean-Longueuil Diocese, at Maison Jésus-Marie.

For the occasion, Sister Lorraine Caza, C.N.D. and Father Michel Proulx, O. Praem, developed their presentation based on three circular letters from Pope Francis, which were recently addressed to consecrated persons.

The very mention of the titles of these letters: Rejoice, Evaluate, Contemplate, constitutes in itself a compelling call.

Rejoice in the renewal experienced since the Second Vatican Council. Listen carefully to recognize God’s Presence and witness to it by a life centered on communion and attention to the needs of the world.

Evaluate the horizons of your life and your time with careful attention. Scrutinize the darkness to discover the fire which enlightens and guides; scrutinize the sky to recognize the signs of blessings...

Contemplate in the midst of your daily life. May your quest be passionate. Remain, despite the nights and the struggles, so as to hear God’s whispers (just like Elijah). Look to God to see the faces of people and other creatures.

After a period of discussion, a break and returning to the group, it was time for thanksgiving: Father Jean-Pierre Camerlain, Episcopal Vicar for Canonical Affairs and Chancellor of the St. Jean-Longueuil Diocese presided at the Eucharistic Celebration. . He was assisted by eight concelebrants.

The 175th anniversary of the founding of the SNJM Congregation was highlighted with a prayer intention and by the placing of a bouquet of roses at the foot of the statue of Mother Marie-Rose.
Simone Perras, S.N.J.M. 

Photos - Sister Gisèle Lalande