Centenary Mass Celebrated in Charlemagne

Sunday, October 24, 2010, the Parish of Saints Simon et Jude in Charlemagne, celebrated its 100th anniversary.

Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte, Archbishop of the Diocese of Montreal, having just returned from all the festivities surrounding the canonization of Saint Brother André, presided over this Mass of thanksgiving with many present and past parishioners.

Following the homily, Sister Liette Lesard, s.n.j.m., director of youth ministry in the parishes of St-Paul l’Ermite and Charlemagne, was invited to introduce  to the Cardinal some of those who will be confirmed this year.   Msgr Roger Dufresne, the episcopal vicar, proudly highlighted the excellent work being done by Sister Liette in both of the parishes.

Église de Charlemagne

Cardinal Turcotte, Sr Liette Lessard et de futurs confirmés

Sister Monique Gendron and I were very pleased to meet so many parents and former teachers with whom we had worked for so many years.  What wonderful memories!

We hope and pray that this parish will continue to be a living presence in the heart of the people of God.

Jeanne Lebeau s.n.j.m.