The new Congregational Leadership Team

A new leadership team was chosen to take over the reins of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary (SNJM), at the close of the General Chapter which took place in Cornwall, this past July.

Soeur Catherine Ferguson et soeur Emma Bézaire

Sister Catherine Ferguson, a Sister from the US-Ontario Province, will assume the responsibilities of Congregational Leader. She will be assisted in her five-year mandate by her colleagues, Sr. Emma Bézaire (Ontario), Sr. Lise Gagnon (Quebec) and Sr. Bathilda Heqoa (Lesotho).

Soeur Lise Gagnon et soeur Bathilda Heqoa

The term of the new Leadership Team of the Congregation will officially begin next November 6th. From now until then, numerous preparations are underway to assure a smooth transfer. The Team will follow up on the important orientations adopted during the General Chapter.

The theme chosen for the next five years is rich in both meaning and responsibility for the Congregation: Living Interdependence for a Just World.

May the Spirit guide them

along today’s paths

in the footsteps of Marie-Rose Durocher!