TV Broadcast: 200th Anniversary of Marie-Rose Durocher

This Broadcast is in French, but it might be of interest to you.

The special broadcast on the 200th anniversary of the Birth of Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher produced by the Salt & Light Network is now available on the Web.
You will recognize Sister Lorraine St-Hilaire giving an overview of the Congregation as well as Sister Yolande Laberge speaking of the life of Mother Marie-Rose. Janine Lefebvre, associate, speaks of her commitment as an associate and as foundress and director of "la Maison des enfants Marie-Rose" (Marie-Rose House for Children) in Beauharnois.   A beautiful Video!
To access it, click on the following link:
Click on Welcome.
On the Home Page, click on the video.

Enjoy it!