Freedom Relay/Relais de la Liberté

Des participants et participantes

“Chrysalis”, an Anti-Human Trafficking Network, in collaboration with "Stop the Traffik- Canada" and other NGO’s across the country, organized throughout Canada, a first annual walk to raise both awareness and funds to fight human trafficking.  The walk took place in key cities at different times during the months of September and October.




On September 17th, 22 people of all ages, including three SNJM’s, met at Cabot Square in downtown Montreal and walked for 8 kilometres to raise awareness to the people in the area.  Annie Robert of the R.C.M.P. who is the regional director for the file on human trafficking, walked with us; and at the conclusion spoke to us about the trafficking situation in the province of Quebec.

Sister Claudette Bastien s.n.j.m., president of CATHII, an action-oriented committee against national and international human trafficking also spoke to us about the work being done by CATHII.

There was a short vigil in memory of women around the world, victims of trafficking, by lighting little lanterns which represented the different countries mentioned.

Our next walk will take place on the third Saturday of October 2012.  We continue to plan and make connections with other anti-trafficking groups in the city.