Occupy Movement

Are you concerned by « le mouvement des indignés » (Occupy Movement)?

Following the reading of an excellent article on « le mouvement des indignés » published in Présence magazine de déc. 2011-janv. 2012, I asked myself the following question.

Here are a few points which I have retained:

• One month after the first gathering, the movement spread to 1500 cities around the world and the participants were mostly young people who were very committed.

• They want to change the commoditization of the world, the place accorded to money, the cult of competition, ruthless individualism, the questionable use of public funds, indifference towards poverty, hunger,  etc.

We wish to see the world living in another way.

We would even hope to imitate

“the religious and sages of every era,

who urged people to cultivate simplicity

this art of living without pretence and excess.”  

              AND YOU ???????????????                


Yolande Laberge s.n.j.m