Mother Earth and Women

Two members of the SNJM “Groupe Solidarité-Justice” took part in an annual event organized by Women of Diverse Origins of Montreal, within the framework of International Women’s Day 2012.

Seminars, workshops and cultural activities developed the theme: Women Resist Canadian Mining Exploitation... Defending Mother Earth.

Les mines causent des dommages au Mexique

Black fire, une autre mine mise en cause

At the beginning of the meeting, three members of the Mohawk community blessed the assembly with the smudging ceremony and we shared their vision of a matrilineal society.

Women from aboriginal communities here, and one woman in Ecuador, by means of “Skype”, witnessed to their experiences of fighting to resist the aggressive development by Canadian mining companies.

It was painful for us to hear this witnessing about our Canadian companies: environmental destruction, militarization of areas, political repression, violation of human rights, labour standards, union rights, social and territorial, etc. There were even accusations of organized terrorism against those who are defending the right to their land and risk imprisonment. 
These links which we have created among these women from here and from elsewhere and the strong mobilisation of people from the South allow us to remain hopeful in the power of women and in their allies, especially on this International Women’s Day on March 8th.