Celebration at Résidence Marie-Rose-Durocher

With the theme “My heart exults in the Lord”, 1 Sam. 2, four of our sisters celebrated the jubilee of their religious profession: 70th, 60th. Father José Vieira Arruda, pastor of our parish, St-Arsène, celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.

The celebration began with a Eucharist celebrated in our chapel which was magnificently decorated with fresh flowers. “What joy to welcome you here to sing and to pray together! A jubilee is a poem of gratitude drawn from great fidelity in the day to day life of 25, 60 and 70 years of priestly and religious consecration. Congratulations!” Such were the words addressed to the jubilarians, the guests, the presider at the Eucharist, Father José V. Arruda and to the concelebrant, Father Robert Boivin, by Sr. Yolande Crépeau, the local animator.


Yolande Dufresne - Élisabeth Maheu, Yolande Dufresne, Raymonde Bertrand

A jubilant Magnificat followed the renewal of vows by our jubilarians. The solemn blessing was a call to continued unity and fidelity.
We then enjoyed a wonderful meal in the cafeteria which was beautifully decorated. Lively conversations were heard all around the room.

At 2:00 p.m., we gathered in the community room, where Sr. Yolande Crépeau succeeded brilliantly in giving us an overview of the life journey and apostolic commitments of each jubilarian. Refrains linked to the theme of the celebration were interspersed throughout the sharings. Sister Lorraine Mongeon presented each jubilarian with a book by Anselm Grün, and each one also received a souvenir gift.

On behalf of those who were celebrating, Sister Lorraine Beauchamp thanked the community. Kudos to all the Sisters at Résidence Marie-Rose-Durocher for your invaluable collaboration!

Photos of the event