Jubilee Celebration at Maison Jésus-Marie, in Longueuil

On May 5th, the SNJM Quebec Province gathered at Maison Jésus-Marie to honour 40 jubilarians who were celebrating 50, 60, 70, 75 and even 80 years of religious profession.

After a word of welcome, there was a video presentation recalling the names and faces of the jubilarians as well as the four Associates who were celebrating 25 years of commitment to the Community. The Associates are Gisèle Busseau, Dorothy Guha, Elizabeth Lamey and Mary McDonald.

Groupe de jubilaires

To pay tribute to them, a short parable on the quetzal bird who “does its best with what it has” along with a paraphrase of the reading from the prophet Isaiah 55:10 who tells us that “the water which falls from the sky will not return to it without having brought forth fruit on earth” were read. Such are the gifts and the actions of these people who, throughout their lives, have been and continue to be God’s heart, hands and feet.

Following a reception of light refreshments where there was an opportunity for exchanging greetings and chatting, the Provincial Leadership Team expressed their gratitude to the Sisters and Associates for their active participation in the life of the province. This invaluable collaboration, which is expressed in the services, committees and a variety of volunteer work, is our charism at work in our world. 

Photos of the event