Canada Day Celebration at Val-Morin

On July 1st, at Val-Morin, Canada Day was pleasantly celebrated with Sisters from several communities. We were invited to gather at 11 o’clock, at the entrance to the Chalet du Lac. 
A table, covered with a red tablecloth, was set with pitchers of juice and snacks with pretty napkins and glasses. Several festive decorations added an air of gaiety to the special ambiance.

After having helped ourselves to the refreshments, we received song sheets and cheerfully sang some well-known songs, accompanied by Sr. Liette Lessard on her accordion.

What a pleasant surprise prepared by the Sisters of the house and a few volunteers!  How wonderful it was to celebrate together, to sing and to socialize!

Later, in the cafeteria which was decorated with our national symbol, a tasty meal prepared by Monsieur Philippe, one of our cooks, was awaiting us

What delightful hours were spent at the beginning of these summer holidays enhanced by such beauty! Warm thanks to the organizers of this much-appreciated celebration!

Rollande Lavoie, S.N.J.M.