Fitness Project

Soeur Marie-Claire en action...

According to a specialist: “The health and well-being of an individual depends on his/her dexterity in moving all his/her limbs. 
The moving of all parts of the body with coordinated movements allows for the body to effectively carry out all its functions: breathing, circulation, elimination, etc.
In addition, good maintenance and activity stimulate the appetite and reduce fatigue."

Des doigts habiles...

Des jambes fortes...

This is the goal of the “fitness” project set up in October 2011 by the committee for leisure time activities, at Maison Jésus-Marie.

Sr. Pierrette Désilets and Sr. Marie-Claire Miron agreed to lead it, one at St-André and the other at St-Charles, for the benefit of the recipients.

Twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, arms and legs move about under the skillful direction of our two volunteers.

Forty Sisters took advantage of the opportunity to ... to become fit!

Sr. Gisèle Lalande and Sr. Maryse Moisan