Sister Ghislaine Laporte Honored

On Sunday, October 21, during the convocation for the academic year 2011-2012 Sister Ghislaine Laporte received an exceptional honor from the Collège Universitaire Dominicain in Ottawa. 
The “Conseil académique du Collège” chose to grant the Honoris Causa doctorate in Pastoral Theology to Sister Ghislaine for her outstanding contribution to catechesis.

Well-known for her creativity and passion in this field, she was able to implement new approaches from abroad and to adapt them to suitable courses.

At the same time, Sister Ghislaine paid special attention to the initial and on-going formation of catechists. It was thus that she founded the “Maison de la Catéchèse” in Montreal with the support of the Congregation and the assistance of some of her sisters.

Mr. Daniel Cadrin, of the “Institut de pastorale des Dominicains” in Montreal, introduced the laureate to whom the diploma was awarded. Sister Ghislaine’s word of thanks to the Dominican Family and the Congregation retraced the journey she had undertaken.


The ceremony ended with a final word from the chancellor, Father André Descôteaux. At the reception which followed the guests congratulated the laureates. Several SNJM’s shared in the joy of their companion who was the recipient of this “Honoris Causa” doctorate.

Congratulations, Ghislaine!