A Rejuvenating Visit!

In the early evening of Wednesday, January 16, 2013, we at the Congregation House welcomed Sister Lisette Boulé and Sister Jeanne Dagenais who came to share with us an experience they had last summer. 
They had accompanied four students from Collège Durocher to a youth forum. These students, who were joined by students from Seattle and other places, took part in a week of experiences enriched by reflection, prayer and volunteering in organizations from that milieu. 

Lisette and Jeanne enthusiastically shared with us about their time with these young people.

During their daily programs, they recognized the actions which Eulalie experienced with the young girls of her time:
• spiritual formation through periods of reflection and prayer,  
• but also concrete action with groups providing food for the poor, doing manual labour and attending informative meetings with organizations from the area.

Le groupe de Longueuil

What was the goal of this intensive week?  To give the young people the opportunity to prepare themselves to experience the next World Youth Days to be held in Rio. 

They will not all be chosen for this next event, but they are continuing to live this rewarding experience in their milieu. 
Let us keep them in our prayers so that their commitment may bring Life to those around them.
Note from Sister Lisette Boulé after meetings with other SNJM houses -   Many thanks for the warm welcome and the interest demonstrated during the meetings of the Justice Committee in your houses. This proves once again how much the young people in our schools really matter to you. 
On this occasion, the "quetzals" projects and the "WYD LOGO” allowed for a collection of more than 700$ which has already been given to the fundraising campaign. In the name of the 4 girls who experienced the Young People’s Forum in Seattle and wanted to share their experience with some groups: Thank you! In the name of the 18 girls and boys who are preparing to live a meaningful faith experience: Thank you!

Lisette Boulé