Christmas Carol Sing-a-Long

Saturday afternoon, December 8th, our Sisters and Associates, along with some friends and family, went Christmas caroling to Maison Jésus-Marie.This annual, festive tradition was directed by Sister Lorna Cooney, accompanied on the guitar by Richard Brisebois, Associate.  Many Sisters joined us for this wonderful sing-a-long as together we sang both French and English Christmas carols.

At the beginning we prayed a special blessing and sang Happy Birthday to Sister Florence Gariépy who would be celebrating her 100th birthday in a few days.

During the singing, candy canes were handed out by some of the carolers and a large poinsettia plant was presented to the Sisters of Maison Jésus-Marie.The Sisters in the infirmary enjoyed the sing-a-long as they watched on their closed-circuit televisions.

A great time was had by all the Sisters who attended as they sang, laughed and even danced.   At the end, Sister Evelyn Bastien, the animator, invited us to the cafeteria for some delicious refreshments.

What a wonderful way to celebrate the Immaculate Conception, such a memorable feast for our Community and also to put us into the Christmas spirit!

Sister Pat O’Neill SNJM
Photos of the event