'Ten Years of the Word in Action'

This was the theme for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of this "new" parish (La Bienheureuse Marie-Rose Durocher) canonically established in December 2002 and which, at that time, brought together the Christian Communities of St-Josaphat, St-Maxime (Ville Lemoyne) and St-Anastase (Greenfield Park).

Since its founding, Sister Marie-Paule  Demarbre has been coordinator of pastoral activities and is teamed up with Father Alain Léonard.  Together, and with numerous lay collaborators, they have guided the new parish towards social commitment as a significant expression of the faith professed as Church.


The launching of the celebrations took place on Sunday, December 16th. 

A logo, demonstrating the ten years of commitment by the parishioners, was presented to the Sunday assembly: a painter’s palette whose different colors illustrate the many  gifts of the people but also their participation in a common goal: to build a Christian community nourished by the Word of God so as to become a vibrant and  active presence in the milieu.

For the past ten years, the parish has been a recognized partner of about thirty community organizations in Greenfield Park and Ville LeMoyne!


Lise Proulx, Céline Brossard, Diane Martel Bariteau, Marie-Paule Demarbre, snjm et Alain Léonard prêtre modérateur. Photo prise par Mme Claire Dumesnil

On Sunday January 13th, the community gathered in Église St-Maxime for a very meaningful Eucharist to give thanks for all the commitments undertaken during these ten years of existence and during which the parishioners had to broaden their tents so as to include people from other milieus.

During the celebration, the paint palette was enhanced with a number of other tints: the names of committees, services and organizations were posted like a halo all around the palette. For this event, two texts in the parish bulletin, were linked to the celebration: one on Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher’s inspiration for the parish, and the other on the achievements of this "new" parish during the last ten years.

After Mass, about 150 people gathered, in joy and thanksgiving, for a brunch in the Church hall. In the wake of this event, other activities will take place, one of which is a brunch-conference which will be held  on Sunday, May 12th, with M. Gabriel Ringlet, a priest and well-known writer.  It is a date not to be missed!

 Jocelyne Latreille s.n.j.m.