Youth Forum, Summer 2012

Through the inspiration of the Justice and Peace Network of the Congregation, a Youth Forum took place in Seattle, Washington last summer from July 17th to 23rd. It gathered forty students from our secondary schools.
During a week filled with conferences as well as prayer or volunteer work with the organizations of the milieu, the young people were able to sensitize themselves to the great challenges of our affluent and consumer-oriented society. 
Interdependence, the environment and water, trafficking of women and children, and immigration which had been the themes for the young people’s research during the school year, were the themes of our daily meetings.


I had accompanied four girls from Collège Durocher. They truly used this time to create links and develop the desire to commit themselves, with others, to build a better world.
The CREDO which they brought back to the College in September was proof of the enthusiasm with which they had participated in this forum and of their determination to continue in their own milieu.
I have no doubt that such a unique and outstanding experience will make them more open to those who are the least fortunate and will change their lives.

Click on the Powerpoint presentation below

Lisette Boulé, S.N.J.M.