Provincial Celebration for the 2013 Jubilarians

75 et 70 ans de profession religieuse

On Saturday, May 18th, the Quebec SNJM’s gathered in Longueuil to pay homage to this year’s jubilarians.

To celebrate 80, 75, 70, 60 and 50 years of religious profession, is to glance back in admiration on the years of generosity and commitment.

Following the entrance procession to the strains of “Jésus, ma joie”, Sister Jeanne Dagenais, Provincial Coordinator, welcomed everyone and then invited the organizing committee to continue animating the celebration. The theme, “Celebrate the Call” reflected the community’s General Chapter follow-up from this year. The ritual unfolded in three stages:

1. Celebrate the call to life
2. Celebrate the call to consecrated life
3. Celebrate the fruits of the call

80 ans de profession religieuse

60 ans de profession religieuse

 The use of “PowerPoint” technology allowed us to see the birthplace of each of the jubilarians who come from many, different regions. As their names were called, their faces flashed on the screen.

An atmosphere of reflection and joyful thanksgiving prevailed throughout, while a refrain punctuated the prayer:

Celebrate the call, it comes from God.
It is given to us for our happiness.

Celebrate the call, it is given to us
To serve the world and the Church.

The Provincial Leadership Team then offered their best wishes and presented gifts to the jubilarians. The Congregational Leadership Team also gave each one a souvenir.  Photos were then taken, followed by a wonderful reception. Such a celebration cannot succeed without the help of many people with many talents.

Thank you to each one for your invaluable participation!

Simone Perras, s.n.j.m.