Celebrating the Year of Faith!

Soeur Carmen Leduc présente le P. Pierre Bach, CSsr

“Always be ready to answer
anyone who asks the reason
for the hope that you have.”

(1 Peter 3, 15).

Referring to this quote, Father Pierre Bach, a Redemptorist priest from Vietnam, shared his faith journey with the Sisters at Marie-Rose Durocher Residence on May 22nd.   Through his faith with its roots in early childhood, he is one with all the witnesses of our 2000 years of Christian salvation

One Thursday a month, since December, the Sisters have been reflecting, praying and celebrating the gift of Faith, in union with the universal Church during this “Year of Faith”.

Participantes à la démarche

Moment convivial

The monthly themes provided occasions to pray with the faith of the apostles and to enter into a renewed dialogue with God. The Blessed Virgin Mary, a model of faith in daily life, supported the “pilgrimage into the deserts of our contemporary world”, so perfectly that faith became radiant.

Pope Francis’ homily on Easter Morning, - “What a joy it is for me to announce this message: Christ is risen! I would like it to go out to every house and every family..., - resounded in our prayer as believers.

Benedict XVI’s October Apostolic Letter, ‘The Door of Faith’, given to each Sister, inspired this personal and communal initiative.

Sister Carmen Leduc, organizer of our “Thursdays in Faith”, creatively used posters and texts to help sustain the path undertaken this year.  She had kindly invited participation and now it is important that each one continue to deepen her faith experience.

“May the message of the Lord spread rapidly
and be received with honour”
(2 Thess. 3:1)

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