A Teacher and Mentor

There are a few SNJM Sisters teaching in Quebec and we had the pleasure of following some courses with Sister Yolande Frappier, at the “Institut de Pastorale des Dominicains”. We especially appreciated the two courses which, for us, were extraordinary occasions for human and spiritual growth.

The last course: «Découvrir son chemin d’humanité» (Discovering One’s Path of Humanity) was given from January 25th to the 27th, 2013. Suggested reflections allowed us to identify our path of humanity through the dark and bright times of our lives and helped us to confront the undeniable discrepancy between what is authentic and inauthentic within ourselves.

To attain this goal, Sister suggested to us a re-reading of the lives of four people who experienced a process of interior transformation: two from the Bible: Abraham and Mary Magdalene, and two contemporary people: Boris Cyrulnik and Etty Hillesum.

These four answered the call to become fully integrated human persons.

At the end of each course, Sister Yolande asks the participants to express how they have received and experienced the course. We have taken the liberty of passing on some of these comments so as to share them with the community and also to thank Sister Yolande.

Here are the most common comments:

• It was a great privilege to participate in a course that was both deeply human and deeply spiritual. At the end of the course, I needed to spend some time alone to go into my inner depth to let all that I had received sink in; this was truly life-giving for improving our human journey.


• Within the group, the participants had very diverse paths and the interaction allowed us to move beyond where we were. Even though we did not have all the preliminary theological knowledge, Sister Yolande’s teaching was very understandable and touched the life and heart of each one. 

• The rhythm of the course was calm and was adapted to the group. That was important because it was in contrast to the frantic pace of everyday life; it enabled our reflection and gave us time for self-reflection and integration.

• I left motivated to integrate all that touched me.

Hélène Avon
Anne-Marie Montpetit
SNJM Associates from the Longueuil Group