Diocesan Personnel Gather at Maison Jésus-Marie

On September 11, 2013, pastoral agents from the Diocese of Saint Jean-Longueuil, headed by Bishop Lionel Gendron, gathered at Maison Jésus-Marie, to reflect together on the meaning of their commitment. The camaraderie among them was tangible! A warm welcome...accolades...coffee...

Sister Jacqueline Boudreau officially welcomed all of these wonderful people when they gathered in the chapel for prayer. A Celebration of the Word then took place: singing, readings, a word from Bishop Gendron, a profession of faith, a prayer of praise, each one punctuated with the singing of "Je suis venu l'allumer ce grand feu sur la terre".

Afterwards, the pastoral agents, along with the Sisters from the house, split up into groups to deepen the theme of the meeting: in all simplicity with Mother Marie-Rose.

Finally, some people visited the Foundation House, the museum and the tomb in St-Antoine de Longueuil Cathedral.

Each one left filled with new energy to continue to work in the different parishes of the Diocese of Saint Jean-Longueuil.

Maryse Moisan s.n.j.m.

Photos of the event