Witnesses of the Gospel: Recommended Reading

On October 29, 2013, five close friends of Marie-Thérèse Léger, S.N.J.M., attended the launching of the book Témoins de l’Évangile : Ils nous interpellent (Médiaspaul publications, 2013). The event took place in Brossard, in the presence of authors Francine Vincent, Yvon Poitras and Pierre Charland.
Who are these witnesses we are invited to remember? They are Saint Brother André, Father Pierre, Christian de Chergé, Simone Weil, Ingrid Bétancourt, Françoise Dolto, Fernand Dumont, Simonne and Michel Chartrand and, closer to home, our own Sister Marie-Thérèse Léger proudly proclaimed by Francine Vincent.

For 15 years, Francine Vincent was part of the Maranatha faith-sharing group facilitated by Marie-Thérèse. She recalls some of the traits of her glowing personality and the titles that she chose give us a glimpse of these: A life of love; Bringing happiness; Simply say yes; Between love and suffering; A woman of prayer; Special concern for the poor and disadvantaged; Struggle and abandonment; Compassion, Fidelity, Relationships, Joy. Do you recognize Marie-Thérèse?

And the other witnesses in the book also deserve as much admiration. It is a book well-worth reading!


Simone Perras, snjm