Corporate Stand

On the occasion of the 2009 World Water Day, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary declared to the public their corporate stand on water, a position that was approved by a strong majority of its 1800 members and associates worldwide.This is the press release that was sent to the public media of Quebec, the newspapers, the radio and television, as well as to local, regional and national organizations that are dedicated to the protection of water.  Since the water question is a worldwide issue which demands systemic changes, the SNJM sisters also addressed their press release to the legislators, that is, to the federal and provincial members of parliament, with the hope of being heard and heeded.   

This modest action is but a drop of water in the ocean,               

However, it seems to us,

an indispensable drop for the future of the world.

Press Release 

« Water is a human right and a universal good », declare the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.

The Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary and their Associates have taken a corporate stand in support of fair, just and universal access to drinkable water because more and more people throughout the world are experiencing exploitation and contamination of their drinkable water supplies.

With the statement that “Water is a human right and a universal good” the Congregation aims to promote and foster education and sensitization in order to safeguard this natural resource so essential to life. The Congregation invites people to join them in a common front with this responsible and ecological stand on which the survival of both the planet and humanity depend.

In their corporate stand, the 1200 religious (400 in Quebec) and 650 Associates (95 in Quebec) worldwide, refute all actions and policies which:

• endanger the world environment and its drinkable water;
• deprive humans and other species of water necessary for life;
• favour the privatization of water, thus making it a commodity which can be bought and sold for profit

The Congregation supports initiatives and policies which:

• protect water as a permanent and renewable resource;
• guarantee universal access to water;
• contribute to achieving the millennium objectives on water outlined by the UN

The Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary and their Associates are acting collectively and individually in line with their corporate stand. They are working in solidarity with various organizations that already help to protect this invaluable resource (e.g. Development and Peace and SOS Water Coalition). All people, no matter who they are or where they live, are integrally affected by this important issue, vital for the survival of society. The smallest action can make a difference.

The Public Awareness and Education Document that led to the corporate stand of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary is available in PDF file below.