Visit by the SNJM Provincial Leadership Team to CASA

Groupe d'étudiantes en alphabétisation

On Monday, May 26, 2014, we had the pleasure of welcoming the members of the SNJM Provincial Leadership Team to Centre Alpha Sainte-Anne.

Sister Lise Bluteau, general director of CASA, visited some classes while Sister Monique Thériault offered her generous service as a photographer, especially in Sister Denise Mercier’s class. 

Sister Denise had suggested that her students plan an exhibition with intercultural kiosks as a welcome to the visitors. This project resulted in a working session for learning French.  


Amérique latine


During the last half hour of the visit, Sisters and students enthusiastically shared knowledge and conversation. Each kiosk presented its characteristic culture both original and colorful.

At the end of the gathering, a student presented each of our Sisters with a souvenir - an excerpt from a poem by Miguel Zamacoïs : « L’Accent, un pur bijou » ! (The accent, a pure gem)

What a wonderful gratuitous and enriching experience!
What a source of hope in this Land of hospitality and sharing!

Denise Mercier, S.N.J.M.