The Discovery of a Pioneer

On October 11, 2014, at the beginning of a meeting of the Sisters from Quebec at Maison Jésus-Marie, the launching of the biography entitled: Mother Martin-de-l’Ascension (Odile Leduc) took place.

This book written by Sister Yolande Laberge, s.n.j.m. is the result of much research in the archives. This is hardly Sister Yolande’s first success since, a few years ago, she had published a biography of Mother Véronique-du-Crucifix (Hedwidge Davignon) and another about Mother Thérèse-de-Jésus (Salomé Martin).

Our sincere thanks to Sister Yolande who constantly contributes to our better knowing and loving our dear foundress and some of our other predecessors whose hearts were “on fire”. 

Rollande Lavoie, SNJM

Sr Yolande Laberge, auteure

Mère Martin-de-l'Ascension 8e Supérieure générale

In the forward to the book, the author wrote:

The biography of Mother Martin-de-l'Ascension marks a very important step in the history of our Congregation.

In it we find the fervor and growth of our institute. The expansion of our mission is exceptional and the increase in the number of our members is something of a miracle.

From east to west of the continent, both in Canada and in the United States, our work was spreading and institutions were formed in Africa and in Japan. This progression was taking place in collaboration with the Church and society.

The commitment of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary merits admiration for it is generous, creative and missionary, in regards to teaching, culture and faith.

Yolande Laberge, S.N.J.M