When Pastoral Life is important to you...

Jeanne et Liette devant l'église de Charlemagne

Following courses in Pastoral Studies at the Dominicans and undertaking the sacramental preparation of about 400 young people per year, is a feat at which Sister Liette Lessard succeeded. 

As Liette put it, it has been some years now since: "Proposing Jesus Christ today is not easy, but we are experiencing the importance of taking risks and of believing." Fulfilling the mandate of Responsable des Services à l’Enfance (RSE), given by  the Bishop, requires four days work and a minimum of three evenings per week, not counting many weekends.

This task implies a great love for youth, coupled with a tremendous willingness and the tenacity to obtain two certificates worth 30 credits, within a few years – quite an achievement, which Sister Liette proudly accomplished. 


Noces d'or de profession religieuse de Liette-2014

Liette à l'oeuvre

We wish to congratulate her for this resource which she has provided at the cost of hours borrowed from her time of rest and the sacrifice of times of relaxation.

For Liette, this is her way of keeping up to date in the area of education in the faith for young people as well as for adults, because to train and to support about fifty adult catechists per year requires presence and competence.

Congratulations, Liette, for your desire to give the best of yourself to the people of Saint-Paul l’Ermite and Charlemagne! 

May Mother Marie-Rose continue to guide you. May the Lord keep you healthy so that you may continue this work of education with the passion for which you are known. 

Jeanne Lebeau, SNJM