Sister Annette Lemay is 105 years old

August 25, 2011, Sister Annette Lemay celebrated her 105th birthday.  The Eucharistic celebration on Wednesday, the 24th was offered especially for her intentions.

Sister Annette, along with two of her nieces, a nephew and his wife went to the chapel for this great occasion.  At communion time, Fr. Gilles Fontaine, the presider, offered Sister Annette both the host and the cup of wine.  At the end of the Mass a photo was taken of Sister Annette and Fr. Lafontaine – a wonderful souvenir for Sister Annette.

Sr Annette avec les membres de sa famille

Il est temps de se réconforter...

A big celebration was taking place in the 3rd floor infirmary on this important day.  Sister Annette and her guests enjoyed a special meal.  Those in charge of this floor had set a very festive table and had decorated the room.  In the middle of the afternoon, everyone on the 3rd floor enjoyed a delicious piece of cake as they joined in celebrating Sister Annette’s birthday on this exceptional day.

So long Sister Annette!  We’ll celebrate your 106th birthday next year, God willing!  And why not!

other photos of the event