A Faith Journey...We would have thought we were listening to the Apostle Paul...

Célébration eucharistique présidée par le Père Pierre Bach

The Sisters at Marie-Rose-Durocher Residence celebrated the gift of faith. Following the Eucharistic Celebration the group gathered to listen to Pierre Bach, CSSR, as he witnessed to his experience of faith, which deepened during his voyage and survival across the sea.

The fragility of the overcrowded boat, promiscuity, scarcity of food, fear of pirates and shallow water, long nights, dangers... Throughout it all, there was a single watchword:  Stay the course towards freedom! And when we saw an offshore drilling rig on the horizon and finally reached it, we had to endure the torture of long hours of negotiations to be hoisted up into a net, women and children first, during which with every high wave, Pierre threw bags, pitiful baggage, up onto the platform... He must have thrown about a hundred bags and his, the last one, fell into the sea. Pierre, the last to climb aboard, had nothing but his shorts for clothing.

Now, a 2nd journey began - that of the refugee camps. Pierre served as an interpreter. Step by step, starting in Vietnam, he would eventually dock at Longue Pointe, in the east end of Montreal before going on to Toronto...

Récit du périple Vietnam - Canada

L'homme en devenir

And faith through all of this? It was the light shining in the darkness of agony, it was the certainty of being accompanied by someone Greater than ourselves, it was the prayer of Gratitude which welled up during weariness, hunger, encounters...Life is a journey in faith. Recently, now thirty years later, Father Pierre received a sculpture from a Vietnamese artist Hich, entitled: “l’Homme nouveau sortant de la matière” – (“The new Man emerging from matter” a tribute to faith and thanksgiving at the triumph of Life!)
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