Maison des enfants de Beauharnois - June 2014

Here are some details about the Friday, June 13th opening of our educative, family-oriented, intergenerational and children-teens gardens.

Four gardens were inaugurated by the Groupe des Semeurs from Beauharnois:   Maison des enfants Marie-Rose, Coin du partage, Halte familiale and Maison des jeunes de Beauharnois.

Together, we have organized a garden for children and teens, small gardens for families, an educative garden with École Jésus-Marie and a garden with the elderly from Résidence Beauharnois.

This inauguration witnessed to the strong intergenerational representation among our guests. Our child artists gave presentations and the teens played some “Pink Floyd” music. The mayor was delighted with this initiative by the citizens who contribute to the revitalization of the city center by promoting intergenerational meetings.

The mayor was delighted with this initiative by the citizens who contribute to the revitalization of the city center by promoting intergenerational meetings.

Mother Marie-Rose, who knew so much about gardening which was used to feed her community, would be so proud of us.

Sowers of plants!
Sowers of ideas!
Sowers of love!
Sowers of social solidarity!
Sowers of joy!

Janine Lefebvre