In section: Vowed Members

Vowed members

 Throughout the years, as SNJM Sisters,
moved by the Spirit,
we have adapted our lifestyle to
changes in the Church and in society,

while remaining faithful to our fundamental options.

Our commitment to consecrated celibacy,
to evangelical poverty,
and to religious obedience,
our personal and communal prayer,
our mission focused on education and justice
in the Church and in society
sustain and challenge our community life.


Faithful to our foundress, Marie Rose Durocher
and to the sisters who have gone before us,
we too strive to witness
to the compassionate love of God in our world.


Do you dream of a special covenant with God? 
Do you dream of a lasting relationship with God?
Do you want to share in the dream of Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher?
Do you feel challenged by the need for education in the faith
and for more justice in the world?
Do you want to work in a group where you can give and 
receive support and encouragement?

If so, listen, come and see…

For more information:
Phone: 450-651-3744

Other articles in the section Vowed Members
Witnesses of the Gospel: Recommended Reading
Vowed members