In section: Adult education

Reaching Out to Our Sisters and Brothers Who Come From Other Countries

These last years, the “Institut de Pastorale des Dominicains” is dealing with a new reality: welcoming students from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

As a guest lecturer at the “Institut de Pastorale”, I can see that this  unprecedented situation concurs with my deep desires, and calls me to adapt to a  new class/group profile.

This sociological context obliges me, on one hand, to go beyond what is comfortable so that the teaching can reach the mind and heart of each person, ideal places for a fruitful journey.  


On the other hand, I benefit from the richness of their diverse cultures and, at certain times, the intensity of their life stories brings me to “touch the flesh of Christ”, to use a much-loved expression of Pope Frances.

This call to a “globalized community” directly resonates with the charism of our Congregation dedicated to promoting the dignity of every human person. For me, this ministry is an invaluable experience which enables me to reach out to my sisters and brothers from elsewhere. 

Yolande Frappier snjm

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Reaching Out to Our Sisters and Brothers Who Come From Other Countries