In section: Consecrated Lay Persons

Commitment Renewal

Mrs. Lauraine Desrochers renews her commitment

January 17, 2009, Madame Lauraine Desroches, associate and an SNJM consecrated lay woman since 1999, support of her SNJM contact Sister and her local community, renewed her commitment for three years.  The ceremony, in the presence of Sister Rachel Fréchette, provincial coordinator, took place in the chapel at Résidence Saint-François d’Assise.  A spirit of joy and gratitude permeated the community as the celebration continued with some delicious refreshments.

Sr. Rachel Fréchette, provincial coordinator, Mrs. Lauraine Desrochers and Sr. Yolande Dufresne, spiritual director
SNJM Reference Groupe

January 12, 2009, a ceremony of commitment as SNJM consecrated lay women took place during a celebration of the Word, in the chapel at Maison Jésus-Marie in Longueuil.  Madame Marie Girardin, associate, supported by her local SNJM group from Résidence Notre-Dame, made her initial commitment.  Madame Lorraine Morin, associate, who has been a consecrated lay woman for four years, renewed her commitment.  She was accompanied by her local SNJM group from Maison Emmanuel.  During this ceremony, the associates from the Longueuil group also renewed their commitment as associates.  Sister Rachel Fréchette, provincial coordinator, warmly received their commitments. The Sisters in the infirmary participated through closed-circuit television in their rooms.

Other articles in the section Consecrated Lay Persons
Simplicity of Life and SNJM Lay Consecration
Gathering of SNJM Consecrated Laywomen
Commitment of Fleurette Descent, SNJM Consecrated Lay Person
Promises made by our Lay Consecrated Women
Jeannie Albert’s Commitment to Lay Consecrated Life
Commitment Renewal
SNJM Consecrated Lay Persons